

Rug Tufting Starter Kit

Please stay tuned for a new rug tufting starter kit to be released in mid-March 2025.
This will be our best starter kit ever!!
In the meantime, to start, we suggest the following:
  • The AK-V
  • Tufting Frame
  • Primary tufting cloth
  • Yarn on cones
  • a carver with a carving guide (The rosewood carver is the most universally used)
  • EFFY Oil
  • Threaders
  • Backing Fabric - we sell three options

Additionally, get an assortment of scissors and tweezers to help with your rug-making process. We sell several types of duckbill and bent-tip scissors, which are excellent for rug-making.

Glue may be sourced from a flooring shop, or you can buy EFFY Latex at, our flagship store in New Zealand. 

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