

EFFY Acrylic & Cotton Blend Yarn 200gm Cones

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Colour: 53 Mauve
45 Orange
89 Dark Orange
88 Fluro Orange
83 Pastel Orange
71 Pumpkin
13 Yellow
87 Fluo Yellow
20 Mustard
04 Mellow Yellow
82 Pastel Yellow
15 Rust
48 Fire
35 Red
01 Poppy Red
26 Deep Red
36 Burgundy
28 Brown
38 Chocolate Brown
30 Espresso
09 Ecru
29 Royal Blue
79 True Blue
51 Sea blue
32 Deep Sea Blue
07 Sky Blue
06 Aqua Blue
73 Turquoise
80 Periwinkle
77 Cornflower Blue
23 Denim Blue
37 Indigo Blue
76 Dark Teal
54 Teal Blue
19 Aegean Blue
62 Navy Blue
65 Lime Green
81 Pastel Green
31 Green
75 Shamrock
86 Fluro Green
64 Grass Green
24 Forest Green
66 Moss Green
85 Pastel Moss
78 Basil
74 Mint
63 Seaweed Green
56 Seafoam Green
70 Sage Green
72 Dark Sage Green
05 Blush
55 Plum
11 Coral
17 Fuchsia
46 Apricot
68 Pink
90 Dark Pink
84 Pastel Pink
52 Pink Lemonade
22 Flamingo Pink
21 Rose
33 Dusky Pink
53 Mauve
34 Lavender
91 Violet
92 Purple
27 Hot White
03 White
02 Black
49 Light Creamy Grey
25 Dark Creamy Grey
14 Dark Grey
18 Mid Grey
08 Light Grey

This yarn is an acrylic/cotton blend that is perfect for Rug Tufting and Punch Needle

Over 75 beautiful shades and bulk ordering discount codes are available below.

Key Features:

It is a mix of 20% Acrylic and 80% Cotton (other sellers are marketing this yarn as 100% acrylic).

It's 5mm thick so you only need one strand in your machine at a time, making it very affordable.

Cotton can be a wee bit harder to carve than pure acrylic and pure wool. Please purchase a rosewood carver if you want to use a carver with this yarn.

Cotton/Acrylic is incredibly soft, and cotton is always very absorbant and dries quickly, just like wool. 

The yarn is 5mm, which means you only need one strand of the yarn in your tufting gun. This means each cake is equal to 400 grams of traditional acrylic yarn (Like the Crucci and birch acrylic yarn EFFY carries)

If you are using it for Punch Needling, it works with the Lavor Chunky Punch Needle, Oxford Regular Punch Needles, and the ABCD Punch Needle. It is also suitable for use with the Punch Needle and 100% cotton Monks cloth.

Each Cone is 200gms


Thickness: 5 mm
Length: approximately 200m(219 Yards) per roll,
Weight: 200g per roll
Material: Cotton and Acrylic

Bulk Ordering Codes to be entered at checkout:  

  • COTTON6- order 6 cones and get 5% OFF
  • COTTON12- order 12 cones and get 10% OFF
  • COTTON24 - order 24 cones and get 15% OFF
  • COTTON36 - order 36 cones and get 20% OFF


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